Artemisinin Essentials now available!
We are proud to announce that Liposomal Artemisinin Essentials is now available to order. Hopkinton Drug helped to formulate this product, which is manufactured by Doctor Inspired Formulations. Please contact our pharmacy or your healthcare provider if you have questions about this new product.
Liposomal Artemisinin production update
Liposomal Artemisinin by Doctor Inspired Formulations is a brand new product coming to market. There is a lot of interest in this product among our pharmacy customers, who have only been able to obtain it as a compounded medicine by prescription up until now. The manufacturer is currently in the stage of bottling the product, and we expect to receive our first shipment early next week (the week of May 15th). Because of the high demand for this product, we posted it for sale on our website so that everyone who is in need of it can pre-order.
If you...
Thorne Research Supplements
Hi everyone! This is an update from our pharmacy's Wellness Center. We carry a selection of supplements by Thorne Research in our store, and they are available to be ordered through me but not directly online. Thorne Research is one of the Practitioner Brands that I work with, and I commonly recommend these products to my patients. Please contact me if you need to order or have any questions regarding these products, and I will be happy to assist!
Vera Parker, Pharm.D.Nutrition & Supplement Specialist
(508) 435-4441 x 112
We sell Standard Process!
Gastrex Ligaplex Standard Process Supplements Vitamins
We carry Standard Process supplements. Please call (800) 435-4441 x112 or email to discuss your needs.
Store up and running!
Our new online store is up and running! If you have any product requests or some items you are unable to find, use the Contact Us page to request them and we will get back to you in 1-2 business days.
Thank you for visiting our website!